Friday, June 17, 2016

Starting again

So, I'm going to try to blog on a more regular basis. There are two main reasons why I think I should do this. 1. It's therapeutic. Life is hard, confusing, and frustrating right now. Blogging will hopefully allow me to get some of my frustration out, and hopefully it will help me look for the positive things in my day. 2. To bring awareness to a rare illness that desperately needs more research and more informed medical professionals. 

My goal for each blog is to share a bit of what is going on in our lives, share a Scripture or song that has touched my heart in some way or speaks to my feelings, and share a positive note from the day.

I hope you'll follow along on this journey. It's not where I ever expected to go with this blog, but hopefully it will benefit someone.

God bless and see you soon!

I'll leave you with this photo I took earlier today of three of my kiddos playing in the water. They had a blast! 😀

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